11. 13 (WED) 14:15-14:40
Senior Policy Advisor at OpenForum Europe, Ciarán O’Riordan has been working in Brussels since 2004 with a focus on EU policy and free and open source software (FOSS).
His recent work has focussed on EU policies on cyber security, liability, copyright, patents and artificial intelligence. This work includes direct participation in the legislative procedures but also coordination and support of a network of other FOSS representatives in their policy work.
Before studying law, O’Riordan’s background was in technology. He has used GNU/Linux since 1998 and worked as a software developer in Dublin before his move to Brussels.
11. 13 (Wed) 14:40-15:05
Haksung Jang is an Open Source Program Manager at SK telecom, leading the field of open source management and compliance for businesses. He has researched ISO/IEC 5230 standard certification compliance methods and contributed to the development of applicable technologies for domestic companies. Additionally, he has translated and published open source compliance materials in Korean, contributing to the development of the domestic open source ecosystem.
As the leader of the Linux Foundation OpenChain Project Korea Work Group, Haksung supports Korean companies in effectively achieving open source compliance.
He has been awarded the Minister’s Award from the Ministry of Science and ICT
and has gained international recognition as an invited speaker at the Linux Foundation’s Open Compliance Summit. Furthermore, he lectures on open source licenses at the Korea Copyright Commission and has authored guides on corporate open source governance and OpenChain contributing to the sharing of open source-related knowledge.
Based on his deep insights into the trends and implications of open source software licenses, Haksung Jang is expected to provide valuable information at this conference.
11. 13 (수) 15:50-16:15
Public Sector Works
11. 13 (Wed) 17:30-17:55
(current) Microsoft Korea Government Account Director
(past) Microsoft SEA Data&AI Solution Specialist
(past) Oracle Korea Senior Sales Manager
(past) Oracle Korea Senior Sales Consultant
(past) Daewoo Information system, Solution Architect
Public Sector Works
11. 13 (Wed) 17:05-17:30
Having majored in administrative and ICT laws, I have worked for the Korean government and the academic community for the last 20 years on informatization and ICT of Korea as well as the legal framework for e-government.
Working at the Presidential Office of Korea as director for legal matters on informatization, e-government and policy building, I became involved in policy planning and implementing process of the government. At the same time, based on my expertise in law, I supported the legislation of the policies developed by the Presidential Office.
With actual field experience in policy development and legislative process within the National Assembly of Korea, I have been providing my expertise and experience to various government agencies and institutions as high level senior advisor and committee member since 2008 when I was appointed as professor in a university.
I have also participated in Korea’s effort to promote e-governance and help various foreign organizations in countries such as Mongolia, the Middle East and so on, on matters of e-government and legal issues on information security and more. Moreover, I have supported policy development and planning as well as legislation process in these countries and worked with civil servants and private businesses in their effort to introduce and implement the Korean model for e-government, information security and legal framework to make it all work.
I have also been involved in teaching and transferring my knowledge of Korea’s informatization, e-government implementation and legislative know-how to foreign civil servants and businesses from Asia, Latin America, Africa and so forth.
Public Domain Works
11. 13 (Wed) 16:40-17:05
– Graduated from Dongah Institute of art (Major in Composition and Producing)
– The Army’s 2nd Operations Military Band (Brass Instrument Specialist)
– 2019 : Published <Composition Self-Study Guidebook>
– 2020-2021: Published <Jazz Piano Self-Study Guidebook 1,2>
– Selected for Gyenggi Creator Support Project
– Released mini album <I Want to go home after work>
– Active performance as a jazz pianist
Others Activities
– Park Turtle’s Music Note, YouTube (150,000 Subcribers)
– Manages starup <Letter Harmony>
– Curruntly writing a <Accompaniment Self-Study Guidebook>
Public Domain Works
11. 13 (Wed) 16:15-16:40
Work Experience
(current) Head of Division, D Platform, TaraTPS (tooldi.com)
(current) Head of Division, DTPia (dtpia.com)
(past) Head of PM Services Division, Tara Graphics
(past) Head of Development, Sungwon Adpia
Invention Patent
System design contents brokerage service using web browser based editing tool.
About Tooldi
The Tooldi team has developed and operates an online design platform called “Tooldi” (tooldi.com), fostering a sustainable ecosystem for design content and creators. Tooldi enables creators to license their works and generate income from them. Collaborating with the Korea Copyright Commission, Tooldi makes public domain content from Korea widely accessible to creators. The Tooldi team prioritizes the value of creative works, dedicating efforts to build an ecosystem where public domain and licensed content can grow together, supporting the creative community.
Public Domain Works
11. 13 (Wed) 15:50-16:15
Seb Chan was appointed to the role of ACMI Director & CEO in August 2022.
He was previously a key part of the team behind the organisation’s $40 million renewal project, underpinned by co-design methodology, which transformed ACMI into a multi-award winning, multiplatform museum.
Seb joined ACMI as Chief Experience Officer in 2015, as the senior executive responsible for the Experience & Engagement division of the museum, guiding teams responsible for visitor experience, marketing, brand & communication design, digital products, technology, and the museum’s collections, digitisation & digital preservation programs.
He designed and leads ACMI’s CEO Digital Mentoring Program (2021–2023), working with CEOs and directors across the Australian arts and cultural sector. He is currently the National President of the Australian Museums & Galleries Association.
Prior to ACMI, Seb led the digital renewal and transformation of the Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum in New York (2011–15) and the Powerhouse Museum’s pioneering work in open access, mass collaboration and digital experience during the 2000s.
His work has won awards internationally in the museum, media and design spheres. Seb is Adjunct Professor, School of Media and Communications, in the College of Design and Social Context at RMIT, an international advisory board member of Art Science Museum (Singapore) and a Board member of the Tessitura Network. He is an alumnus of the Getty Leadership Institute, Salzburg Global Seminar and UNSW. Seb also leads a parallel life in digital art, writing and music.
11. 13 (Wed) 15:05-15:30
– Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 1998, B.S. in Computer Engineering
Work experience
– Java development, Web development
– Technical support for Black Duck SCA tool
– OSS Compliance and Governance Consulting
Career Highlights
11. 13 (수) 16:15-16:40
(현)타라TPS D플랫폼(tooldi.com) 사업 본부장
(현)디티피아(dtpia.com) 사업 본부장
(전)타라그래픽스 PM서비스 사업 본부장
(전)성원애드피아 개발실 책임자
웹 기반 편집툴을 이용한 디자인 콘텐츠 중개 서비스 제공 시스템(System Design Contents Brokerage Service Using Web Browser Based Editing Tool)
툴디 소개
툴디팀은 디자인 콘텐츠와 크리에이터가 자생할 수 있는 온라인 디자인 플랫폼 ‘툴디(tooldi)’를 개발하여 운영하고 있다.
툴디에서는 크리에이터들이 자신이 만든 저작물에 라이선스를 부여하고, 이를 통해 수익을 창출할 수 있는 생태계를 조성하고 있다. 또한, 한국저작권위원회와 협력하여 대한민국의 공유 저작물을 수많은 창작자가 자유롭게 활용할 수 있도록 제공하고 있다.
툴디팀은 저작물의 가치를 중요하게 여기며, 공유 저작물과 유료 저작물이 함께 성장할 수 있는 크리에이터 생태계를 구축하는 데 주력하고 있다.
11. 13 (수) 16:40-17:05
– 동아방송예술대학교 실용음악과 졸업 (작곡, 프로듀싱 전공)
– 육군 2작전사령부 군악대 병장 전역 (금관악기병)
– 2019년 작곡 독학 가이드북 출간
– 2020년 재즈피아노 독학 가이드북 1 출간
– 2021년 재즈피아노 독학 가이드북 2 출간
– 경기도 1인 크리에이어터 지원사업 선정
– 미니앨범 ‘퇴근하고 싶다‘ 발매
– 터틀 재즈 퀀텟 재즈피아노 연주 활동 중
– 유튜브 채널 ‘박터틀의 음악노트(15만 구독자)’ 운영 중
– 스타트업 레터 하모니 운영 중
– 반주 독학 가이드북 집필 중
11. 13 (수) 17:30-17:55
(현)한국마이크로소프트 공공사업부문 이사
(전)한국오라클 데이터베이스사업팀 부장
(전)대우정보시스템 솔루션사업 과장
11. 13 (수) 17:05-17:30
연세대학교 법학사
연세대학교 법학석사
연세대학교 법학박사
(현)고려대학교 정보보호대학원 원장
(현)고려대학교 정보보호대학원 교수
(전)광운대학교 과학기술법학과 교수
(현)대통령직속 4차산업혁명위원회 데이터특별위원회 총괄분과장
(현)한국사이버안보학회 부회장
행정안전부 데이터기반행정 활성화위원회 위원
국립중앙도서관 과업심의위원회 전문위원
한국공법학회 부회장
한국지역정보개발원 인사위원회 위원
한국건강가정진흥원 정보공개심의회 위원
시청자미디어재단 장애인방송시청보장위원회 위원
금융감독원 비조치의견서 심의회의위원회 위원
11. 13 (수) 15:05-15:30
– 1998 서울과학기술대학교 졸업, 컴퓨터공학과 학사
업무 경력
– Java 개발, 웹 개발
– Black Duck SCA 도구 기술지원
– OSS 컴플라이언스 및 거버넌스 컨설팅
주요 경력
1. eTOMATO, Intizen, FID
– 증권 ARS system개발
– Web site 구축 및 개발, 유지보수
2. 모빌링크텔레콤, 이더테크놀러지
– Mobile phone (피처폰) 개발 (Qualcomm data service 및 application개발)
3. 썬마이크로시스템즈 & 오라클
– IoT S/W 플랫폼(Java ME Embedded, Java SE Embedded) 개발
– Java 솔루션 (Java ME 및 Java SE), 및 network SW 개발
4. KMS Tech
– Black Duck SCA 도구 기술지원
– OSS 컴플라이언스 및 거버넌스 컨설팅
11. 13 (수) 14:40-15:05
장학성 매니저는 SK텔레콤에서 오픈소스 프로그램 매니저로 활동하며, 기업의 오픈소스 관리 및 컴플라이언스 분야를 선도하고 있다. 그는 ISO/IEC 5230 표준 인증 준수 방안을 연구하고, 국내 기업에 적용 가능한 기술 개발에 기여하였다. 또한, 한국어로 된 오픈소스 컴플라이언스 자료를 번역하고 공개하여, 국내 오픈소스 생태계의 발전에 힘쓰고 있다.
그는 Linux Foundation OpenChain Project의 Korea Work Group 리더로서, 한국 기업들이 오픈소스 컴플라이언스를 효과적으로 달성할 수 있도록 지원하고 있다. 과학기술정보통신부 장관상을 수상한 경력이 있으며, Linux Foundation Open Compliance Summit에서 발표자로 초청받아 국제적 인정을 받았다.
또한, 한국저작권위원회에서 오픈소스 라이선스 전문 교육을 강의하며, 기업 공개 SW 거버넌스 가이드 및 오픈체인 해설서를 집필하여 오픈소스 관련 지식 공유에 기여하고 있다.
이번 컨퍼런스에서 오픈소스 소프트웨어의 라이선스 변화 추세와 그 시사점에 대한 깊이 있는 통찰력을 바탕으로 귀중한 정보를 제공할 예정이다.
11. 13 (수) 14:15-14:40